Devo ke Dev Mahadev Wiki

EPISODE 46- 8 February 2012

Rishi Kashyap tells Prajapati Daksh and Prasuti that there's only one way to save Sati and that is if Lord Shiva touches Sati till sunset or otherwise Sati will get in chir yog nidraa(coma) for rest of her life. Prajapti Daksh refuses to let Mahadev touch Sati. Madanike requests Rishi Kashyap to go to Kailash and bring Mahadev to cure Sati. On the way Rishi kashyap meets Aditi(His wife) who tells him that her father will never let Shiva touch Sati and save her with his magnificient powers. She tells him that she has faith in her dad and you( Rishi Kashyap) in Mahadev,lets see whoose faith wins.

Episode 45

Episode 47
